Multilingual keyword extractor

Multilingual Keyword Extractor API helps finding and suggesting most important keywords in a text and ranking them. A relevance score is calculated for each keyword based on statistical analysis, and the results are returned sorted by relevancy. Our multilingual keyword extractor API works well on long sentences.

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Why our Multilingual Keyword Extractor API ?


Highly accurate classification of unstructured textual data.

Real Time

State of the art technology to provide accurate results real-time.


Can be trained on custom dataset to obtain similar accuracy and performance.

How Our Multilingual Keyword Extractor API Works?

Keywords Generator API helps finding and suggesting most important keywords in a text and ranking them. A relevance score is calculated for each keyword based on statistical analysis, and the results are returned sorted by relevancy.
It uses the famous syntaxnet algorithm by Google and statistical analysis of text to retrieve important keywords from textual data.

Our Keyword Extractor successfully generates an extensive list of most relevant keywords and keyword phrases. It also makes keyword research process for Search engine optimization more context focussed.

use cases

Automating text summarization and enhancing SEO

A Keyword Extractor uses data indexing technique to enlist important words out of a long text. This, can be used by businesses to generate text summary and accelerate the search time.

Context focussed search

Keyword Extractor can create tag clouds and index data.It helps in finding and most important and relevant words in a text and gives them a ranking. Businesses can use the extensive list of relevant keywords and phrases generated to make research more context focussed.

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